I finished our 72 Hour Kits by the last day of July like I wanted to. With each of us having our own backpacks, we will survive for 72 hours; that is reassuring. Since then, I have been working on adding to our survival supplies, one item at a time.
We are going to experience earthquakes in Utah; that is a well-known fact and it's inevitable. Our dollar is losing its value; that is also a well-known fact. Companies are going out of business, people are losing their jobs and new jobs are becoming limited. Whatever the cause, we will need to survive off of the food and water that we save right now. And it will be for longer than 72 hours. That is why the Lord has directed His prophets for years to warn us to be prepared. Now is not the time to ignore those warnings!
I believe that the Lord will protect us by leading us away from here before the destruction hits, like He has done in the past. Whether you believe that or not, whether we leave or stay, we will need to be prepared. As much food and survival supplies as we can save right now. Survival supplies is not a directive from the Brethren. I added that part to my list, for personal preference. I will not go out of debt to provide our family with those things. And I will not preach this as doctrine or necessity, it is only my personal prference.
My list is prioritized by the greatest necessity, not by the most affordable items. With our lack of funds and lack of knowledge of what we will need, we are relying on the Lord to guide us. He is helping me prioritize and showing me ways to make, save and spend our money. I have been prompted about what I should buy and in some cases, where I should buy it. But His council for you and yours may be different, so I won’t share our list with you at this time. If you need some suggestions, search Pinterest or Google and go with what YOU feel inspired to go with for your Survival Supplies.
The answer to the Trivia Question; "What is one thing that survivors of Hurricane Katrina didn't have that they wish they had more than anything else after their disaster?" - - - More than food, more than water, more than first aid kits ~ Official Documents... Family members were separated and many were brought to hospitals. Getting to them without the right documentation was impossible. We will need Birth certificates, Social Security cards, Photo IDs, Adoption Papers etc. For some of us, these will end up being the most important items that we have in our supplies.
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